Why Lettuce?
Lettuce = Letters (couldn’t think of a good pun for ‘email’)
Why a newsletter?
Ryan Shelton and Hamish Blake have been friends since they were 14. But today, 25 years later, they don’t hang out as much as they’d like.
So, birthed by ryyyyyyyyyyyan’s 11th project, these childhood friends have agreed to keep in touch by taking it in turns to write monthly lettuce to each other, all for your sick, voyeuristic pleasure.
Why a subscribe?
When you sign up with your email address, all of Ryan and Hamish’s corresponding lettuce will be sent directly to your inbox every month, making you one of the first to read them. Maybe even THE first. But there’ll be no way of knowing that for sure, so don’t let that be the sole criteria.
Why another question?
To thank you.
Thank you.

Subscribe to Lettuce Between Friends
Simply one leaf in a glorious lettuce of friendship
Sending lettuce to Hamish.